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Cheerful Loving Couple Bakers Drinking Coffee

Cheerful Loving Couple Bakers Drinking Coffee

Doomsday device? Ah, now the ball’s in Farnsworth’s court! Wow! A superpowers drug you can just rub onto your skin? You’d think it would be something you’d have to freebase. Look, last night was a mistake.

Take me to your leader! Would you censor the Venus de Venus just because you can see her spewers? Shut up and take my money! I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness.

We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised. Now what? Belligerent and numerous. Bite my shiny metal ass. Fry! Stay back! He’s too powerful!

And yet you haven’t said what I told you to say! How can any of us trust you? Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp. Goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of cruel muslin and the cute little pom-pom curtain pull cords. Cruel though they may be…

Ah, the ‘Breakfast Club’ soundtrack! I can’t wait til I’m old enough to feel ways about stuff! I haven’t felt much of anything since my guinea pig died. Hey, what kinda party is this? There’s no booze and only one hooker.

  1. Who are those horrible orange men?
  2. I can explain. It’s very valuable.
  3. And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.

And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it. Shut up and take my money! Morbo can’t understand his teleprompter because he forgot how you say that letter that’s shaped like a man wearing a hat.

You’ll have all the Slurm you can drink when you’re partying with Slurms McKenzie! Oh no! The professor will hit me! But if Zoidberg ‘fixes’ it… then perhaps gifts! No. We’re on the top. Hey, what kinda party is this? There’s no booze and only one hooker.

  • Wow, you got that off the Internet? In my day, the Internet was only used to download pornography.
  • Tell her she looks thin.
  • Ow, my spirit!

You are the last hope of the universe. Dear God, they’ll be killed on our doorstep! And there’s no trash pickup until January 3rd. Wow, you got that off the Internet? In my day, the Internet was only used to download pornography.

Then we’ll go with that data file! Maybe I love you so much I love you no matter who you are pretending to be. No! The cat shelter’s on to me. Well, thanks to the Internet, I’m now bored with sex. Is there a place on the web that panders to my lust for violence?

You’re going to do his laundry? You mean while I’m sleeping in it? Dr. Zoidberg, that doesn’t make sense. But, okay! But I’ve never been to the moon! It’s a T. It goes “tuh”.

Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. Well, then good news! It’s a suppository. Bite my shiny metal ass. What’s with you kids? Every other day it’s food, food, food. Alright, I’ll get you some stupid food.

You, a bobsleder!? That I’d like to see! Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! Can we have Bender Burgers again? Ow, my spirit!

Daddy Bender, we’re hungry. For example, if you killed your grandfather, you’d cease to exist! It’s a T. It goes “tuh”. Robot 1-X, save my friends! And Zoidberg! The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well made bed. You will practice until you can make your bed in your sleep.

All I want is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence who wears a suit… that’s why I’m transferring to business school! Leela, Bender, we’re going grave robbing. I’m just glad my fat, ugly mama isn’t alive to see this day.

Oh, I think we should just stay friends. Bender, quit destroying the universe! I haven’t felt much of anything since my guinea pig died. Good man. Nixon’s pro-war and pro-family.

Oh no! The professor will hit me! But if Zoidberg ‘fixes’ it… then perhaps gifts! I don’t know what you did, Fry, but once again, you screwed up! Now all the planets are gonna start cracking wise about our mamas.

I can explain. It’s very valuable. It doesn’t look so shiny to me. Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk!

Shut up and take my money! I’ll get my kit! It doesn’t look so shiny to me. Do a flip! Nay, I respect and admire Harold Zoid too much to beat him to death with his own Oscar.